Important Dates
Tags beginning with A & B paperwork due................Dec 15 (previous year)
1099's are due.........................................................................................Jan 10
4th Quarter Fuel Taxes are due to TFIG...............................................Jan 15
Tags beginning with C & D paperwork due..........................................Jan 15
4th Quarter Fuel Taxes are due to State...............................................Jan 31
Tags beginning with A & B expire.........................................................Jan 31
Payroll Quarterly taxes are due..............................................................Jan 31
Tags beginning with E & F paperwork due..........................................Feb 14
2024 IFTA stickers grace period ends...................................................Feb 28
Tags beginning with C & D expire........................................................ Feb 28
Business taxes due.................................................................................Mar 15
Tags beginning with G & H paperwork due..........................................Mar 15
Tags beginning with E & F expire..........................................................Mar 31
AR Annual carrier reports.......................................................................Mar 31
Annual renewal INC or LLC (most states)................................................Apr 1
Personal taxes are due............................................................................Apr 15
1st Quarter Fuel Taxes are due to TFIG.................................................Apr 15
Tags beginning with I & J paperwork due.............................................Apr 15
1st Quarter Fuel Taxes are due to State.................................................Apr 30
Tags beginning with G & H expire.........................................................Apr 30
Tags beginning with K & L paperwork due..........................................May 15
Tags beginning with I & J expire.......................................................... May 31
Tags beginning with M & N paperwork due..........................................Jun 15
SCAC code expires.................................................................................Jun 30
2290 expires.............................................................................................Jun 30
Tags beginning with K & L expire...........................................................Jun 30
Hazmat permit (unless you have a multiple-year permit).....................Jun 30
Tags beginning with O & P paperwork due...........................................Jul 15
2nd Quarter Fuel Taxes are due to TFIG................................................Jul 15
2nd Quarter Fuel Taxes are due to State................................................Jul 31
Tags beginning with M & N expire..........................................................Jul 31
Tags beginning with Q or R paperwork due ........................................Aug 15
2290 Payment Due In Full......................................................................Aug 31
Tags beginning with O & P expire.........................................................Aug 31
Tags beginning with S & T paperwork due..........................................Sept 15
Tags beginning with Q & R expire........................................................Sept 30
3rd Quarter Fuel Taxes due to TFIG......................................................Oct 15
Tags beginning U, V & W paperwork due.............................................Oct 15
3rd Quarter Fuel Taxes due to State.....................................................Oct 31
Tags beginning with S & T expire..........................................................Oct 31
Tags beginning X, Y & Z paperwork due..............................................Nov 15
Tags beginning U, V & W expire...........................................................Nov 30
Intrastate Renewal Due before (GA Only)............................................Dec 31
New Mexico Permit Renewal Due.........................................................Dec 31
New York Hut Renewal Due (Three year permit started 2022)............Dec 31
UCR Renewal Due...................................................................................Dec 31
IFTA renewal due....................................................................................Dec 31
Tags beginning X, Y & Z expire.............................................................Dec 31
Authorities, Corporations and Permits
In accordance with FMCSA MCS-150 regulation 49 CFR Part §390.19, every two years all motor carriers are required to update their MCS-150 information with the FMCSA. This update must be completed in the appropriate month, every even or odd year, based on your DOT#, even if none of your information has changed, and regardless of when you last updated. Failure to complete a biennial update in your assigned month may cause deactivation of your USDOT number and could result in civil penalties of up to $1,000 per day (not to exceed $10,000).
EXAMPLE: If your DOT number ends with the number 5, your MCS-150 may need to be updated. If the number before the 5 is an even number, you must renew by the end of May this year. If the 5 is preceded by an odd number, you are not due for an update until May of next year.
2290's expire June 30, 2024. The 2024-2025 year will be available to file starting July 1. Must be paid by Aug 31 to avoid late fees.
Fuel Taxes
Quarter Period Covered:
1st Quarter
Jan 1 – Mar 31
- Due to Our Office by Apr. 15th (guaranteed on-time filing)
- Due to State Office with Payment no later than Apr. 30th
- Late as of May 1st (penalties and interest must be added) -
2nd Quarter
Apr 1 – June 30
- Due to Our Office by July 15th (guaranteed on-time filing)
- Due to State Office with Payment no later than July 31st
- Late as of Aug. 1st (penalties and interest must be added) -
3rd Quarter
July 1 – Sept 30
- Due to our Office by Oct. 15th (guaranteed on-time filing)
- Due to State Office with Payment no later than Oct. 31st
- Late as of Nov. 1st (penalties and interest must be added) -
4th Quarter
Oct 1 – Dec 31
- Due to Our Office by Jan. 15th (guaranteed on-time filing)
- Due to State Office with Payment no later than Jan. 31st
- Late as of Feb. 1st (penalties and interest must be added)